Monday, November 13, 2006

Flash!! Police Brutality

The 4th ESTATE

Vol 1 No 26 Phone 423-9383 Halifax, N. S. April 9, 1970 10 cents, 24 Pages at page 1.

Page 10 Police - from 1

Street at about 1 a. m. and said he was told that he was being arrested for loitering.

"When the police car came, they handcuffed me behind my back and threw me into the back seat," Said Drummond.

"One of them sat on my head, and after he got off he kept hitting me in the head with his right fist while I was handcuffed.

"It was the same policeman who kept hitting me and calling me names," Said Drummond. "When we got to the police station they took off the handcuffs before they took me in, but this guy kept hitting me and the other policeman told him to lay off."

A man being held in jail told The 4th Estate that he saw the policeman strike Drummond.

"I was bleeding in the police station and this guy still kept trying to hit me," said the youth.

When Drummond appeared in the Police Court he was charged with resisting arrest.

"You're damn right I resisted," said Drummond. "I knew what they were going to do."

The youth is being represented by Halifax barrister Walter Goodfellow.

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