Sunday, November 12, 2006

Flashback: The 4th Estate Covers the Oldland Affair

The 4th ESTATE

Vol I No 25 Phone 423-9383 Halifax, N. S. March 26, 1970 10.¢ 20 Pages at Page 1.


Minorities Seek Help

The highly successful Encounter on Urban Environment and the contro­versial Robert Oldland fia­sco are difficult acts to fol­low in usually calm Hali­fax.

But the Nova Scotia Hu­man Rights Commission and the Maritime School of Social Work may have a man to top them both.

Saul Alinsky, the most feared social activist in modern time, will be in Halifax March 26-27 to talk with black; Indian and white minority groups about how they can best organize themselves to promote change.

Recent developments in Halifax, such as the fail­ure of City Council to de­lay its hiring of Robert Old­land (See, Page 10), have black and labor leaders searching for a power base and methods which will make their presence felt.


Alinsky will be the cen­tral figure in a two-day set of seminars in which var­ious social development groups will measure their efforts by Alinsky stan­dards. The sessions at St. Mary's University, will be open to the public.

The U. S. organizer of “people's movementsll has won international acclaim for his work with blacks, Indians and poor whites. (See Page 5).

The Encounter on Urban Environment, when 12 highly qualified urban af­fairs experts were brought to Halifax-Dartmoutl1 in late February, began a serious dialogue about the area's problems.

ALINSKY - Page 18

Looking back can sometimes be therapeutic, or have certain benefits attached to it, or is it as the saying goes, all water over the dam that will not be seen again?

There’s a song that once had currency in the 1970s and it raised a very important question and it goes like this:

"if we had a chance to do it all again, tell me, would we?" Would the Robert Oldland affair today bring people to the streets as it did in 1970 on an issue concerning race relations?

Are people as engaged with each other and with their government today as they were in the past in 1970?

Have we just grown so prosperous, or so cynical that values, such as, integrity no longer matter?What are the lessons of this flashback?

Get interactive, write. Given me your views and we’ll given them back here in these pages in a

few weeks time and tell you what you said.

As Always, best wishes,

F. Stanley Boyd

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